Spell Jars: Manifest Your Intentions into Reality

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In the  world of magick, spell jars are an effective way to manifest specific intentions.

These small but powerful tools act as physical vessels for your desires, encapsulating various magickal ingredients that work together to bring about a desired outcome.

Simple to create and beautiful to look at, spell jars can be tailored to any number of purposes, from attracting love and prosperity to protection and healing.


The Essence of Spell Jars
Spell jars, sometimes known as witch bottles, have been used through the ages.

Traditionally, these jars were used as a means of protection, filled with sharp objects to repel negative energy and harmful intentions.

Today, their use has expanded widely to encompass a variety of spells and intentions.

The principle behind a spell jar is that by combining specific ingredients that resonate with your intention and sealing them within a jar, you create a concentrated energy focus that aids in bringing your intention to fruition.


Why Use Spell Jars?
Spell jars offer several advantages in magickal practice:

Sustained Energy
Unlike spells that are cast once, the energy of a spell jar is contained and can continue to work over an extended period.

Safety and Containment
The jar itself acts as a barrier, keeping the spell’s energy focused and contained until it manifests as intended.

Spell jars can be crafted for virtually any purpose and are easily personalised with ingredients that resonate particularly with you or your situation.

Spell jars can be kept private and placed out of sight, continuously working without drawing attention.


Crafting Your Spell Jar
Creating a spell jar is a personal and intuitive process, much like cooking from the heart. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to creating your own spell jar:

Step 1: Define Your Intention
Clearly identify what you want to achieve with your spell jar.
It could be anything from love, protection, prosperity, healing, or spiritual growth.
Your intention will guide the selection of every component of your jar.


Step 2: Select Your Ingredients
Choose ingredients that correspond to your intention.

Herbs and Spices

Here are some common components:

  • Herbs and Plants
    Each plant has its own magickal properties.

For example, lavender for peace, rose petals for love, or basil for prosperity.

  • Crystals and Stones
    Choose crystals that align with your desired outcome.

For example, Rose quartz for love, black tourmaline for protection, or citrine for abundance.

  • Symbols and Written Words
    Write your intention on a piece of paper or include symbols that represent your goal and intentions.
  • Oils and Essences
    Add oils that correspond to your intention for an extra boost, like peppermint oil for purification or rose oil for love.


Step 3: Assemble Your Jar
Layer your ingredients into the jar thoughtfully.
As you add each ingredient, visualise your intention coming to life.
Focus on the outcome as you fill the jar.


Step 4: Seal the Jar
Once your jar is filled, seal it with wax from a candle that matches the colour associated with your intention, like red for love or green for prosperity.
As you seal the jar, imagine sealing your intention within.


Step 5: Activate the Jar
To activate the jar, you might choose to chant over it, meditate with it, or simply spend a few moments holding it, pouring your energy and intention into the jar.


Step 6: Place or Bury Your Jar
Decide where to keep your jar—on a shelf, hidden away, or buried in the earth, depending on your intention.
The placement can enhance the jar’s effectiveness.


Spell Jar Recipes: Simple Formulas for Specific Intentions
Here are some simple spell jar recipes focused on common intentions to get you started and for inspiration:

Love Spell Jar


  • Rose petals (to attract love)
  • Jasmine flowers (to inspire passion)
  • Rose quartz (to open the heart)
  • Lavender (for harmony and peace)
  • A piece of paper with your intention or heart symbol written on it
  • Honey (to sweeten the relationship)

Layer the herbs and flowers first, then add the rose quartz.
Fold the paper and place it into the jar.
Pour honey over the top to cover all ingredients, sealing them with sweetness.

Close the jar and seal it with pink wax, reinforcing your intention for love and harmony.


Prosperity Spell Jar


  • Basil (to attract financial abundance)
  • Cinnamon sticks (for success and power)
  • Citrine (for wealth and abundance)
  • Cloves (to draw riches)
  • A coin that you have found outside (to represent incoming wealth)
  • Gold glitter (to symbolize wealth)

Begin with the basil, then add cinnamon sticks and cloves.
Place the citrine on top of the herbs.
Add the coin and sprinkle the gold glitter last.

Secure the lid and drip green wax over it to seal the jar, focusing on your intentions for prosperity and abundance.


Protection Spell Jar


  • Black tourmaline (for protection against negativity)
  • Sea salt (for purification)
  • Rosemary (for mental clarity and protection)
  • Black pepper (to ward off harm)
  • A piece of black thread (to bind negativity away from you)

Fill the jar with sea salt first as a base layer.
Add rosemary and black pepper.
Wrap the black thread around the black tourmaline, and then place them in the centre of the jar.

Seal the jar with black wax, ensuring a strong barrier against negative energies.


Healing Spell Jar


  • A written affirmation of health
  • Eucalyptus (for healing and protection)
  • Lavender (for tranquility and recovery)
  • Amethyst (for healing of mind, body, and soul)
  • Chamomile flowers (for relaxation)
  • Clear quartz (to amplify the healing energies)

Place eucalyptus and chamomile flowers into the jar first, followed by lavender.
Add your written affirmation.
Then place the amethyst and clear quartz last.

Close the jar tightly and drip blue wax over the lid to seal, focusing on healing energies.

Spell jars are a powerful way to practice magick, creating a focus for your desires to manifest within your life.

The creation of a spell jar can be a deeply personal and rewarding experience, weaving together the strands of intention, art, and personal magick into a beautiful and potent form.