Winds of Change Incense Spell

The Wind of Change Incense Spell is a transformative ritual that uses the ethereal power of incense to facilitate personal evolution and transition.

By carefully selecting herbs that resonate with renewal, wisdom, and tranquility—such as mint for its association with new beginnings, sage for its deep connection to wisdom in times of change, and lavender for its calming influence—this ceremony creates a sacred atmosphere conducive to letting go of the old and welcoming the new.

As the incense smoke ascends, visualise it as a gentle but powerful wind of change, sweeping away barriers and infusing your life with fresh, positive energies ready for the journey ahead.


What You'll Need

  • Dried Herbs for Incense
    Mint: Symbolises new beginnings and fresh starts.
    Sage: Offers wisdom and insight during transitions.
    Lavender: Ensures a peaceful process, easing the mind and spirit.
  • Incense Burner
    To safely burn your herbal blend.
  • A Quiet Space
    Where you can meditate and focus on the intentions of your ritual without disturbances.
  • Intention
    A clear mind focused on the specific changes you wish to invite into your life.


Best Time for the Ritual
Time of Day
Dawn or dusk, representing the transition from night to day or day to night, echoing the theme of change.

Day of the Week
Wednesday, a day traditionally associated with communication and change, governed by Mercury.


1. Preparation

Begin by grounding yourself in your chosen quiet space.
Take a few deep breaths to centre your thoughts on the nature of the change you seek.


2. Creating Your Incense Blend
Mix together your herbs—mint, sage, and lavender—in your incense burner.
As you blend them, focus on each herb's symbolic meaning and how it contributes to your intention.


3. Lighting the Incense
Ignite your incense blend, watching as the smoke begins to curl upwards.
Allow the scents to envelop you, creating a sacred space for transformation.


4. Visualisation
With each ribbon of smoke, visualise the obstacles in your path being gently carried away, leaving room for new beginnings.
See the smoke as a visual representation of the wind of change, bringing wisdom to navigate transitions and peace throughout the journey.


5. Meditation and Affirmation
Spend some time in meditation, focusing on the changes you wish to manifest.
You might use an affirmation like:

 'With every breath, I welcome new beginnings, wisdom, and peace into my life.'


6. Closing the Ceremony
As the incense smoke dissipates, envision the changes you desire taking root in your life.
Express gratitude for the guidance and clarity received.
Gently bring yourself back to the present moment, carrying the sense of readiness for transformation with you.


Other Considerations

Regular Practice
Consider performing this ceremony regularly during periods of transition or whenever you feel the need for change, to reinforce your intentions and support your journey.

Journaling Post-Spell
Write down any insights, emotions, or visions that arose during the ceremony.
This can help you track your progress and maintain clarity on your path.

Respect for Natural Elements
Always use herbs and fire with respect and caution, acknowledging their power and ensuring safe burning practices.


The Wind of Change Incense Spell is a deeply symbolic and effective way to align with the forces of transformation, using the elemental power of air through incense to clear the way for new growth and understanding.

By engaging with this ritual, you open yourself to the flow of change, guided by wisdom and surrounded by peace.