Rebecca Anuwen
on 23/10/2023 at 04:43 PM
Amanda, I’m so glad you found this useful!
amanda reed
on 22/10/2023 at 08:22 PM
thank you so much for this message. i am not ready to partake in this ritual yet but you have changed my perspective on ancestors. i struggle at this time of year with the concept of ancestors because my bloodline is not one i am willing to allow in my life. but now i have the shift to start looking for other ancestors that are meaningful to me. ❤️
11-Nights to go: Honouring Those Who Walked Before Us—Ancestor Altars
Read the article here
Our ancestors lend us wisdom, strength, and guidance. As the veil thins, the time is ripe for connecting with those who have crossed over. 🌒🌕🌘
Creating an ancestor altar is more than just a sentimental act. It's a magickal practice. By placing photographs, heirlooms, and offerings like food or incense, you're crafting a powerful conduit for ancestral wisdom.
It's a way to invite their spirits into your space, to share their stories, wisdom, and blessings. 🌌