The GRACE Practice

In an era where external voices often drown out our inner truths, the practice of GRACE emerges as a beacon of empowerment and self-discovery.

This cornerstone of the 'Magick of You Empowerment System' is not only about personal development; it's a transformative journey that guides you back to your authentic self.

GRACE a five-step system - Ground, Recognise, Appreciate, Call back your energy, and Embody - serves as a powerful antidote to a world intent on diminishing your light, offering a path to reclaim your magick, dreams, and desires.


The Essence of GRACE
GRACE is a sacred process of coming home to yourself, of peeling away the layers of judgment, expectation, and societal noise to reveal the luminous core of your being.

It's about recognising and appreciating your true essence, thereby filling yourself with a deep sense of self-esteem and worth.

In a world that often seeks to tear us down and have us doubt ourselves, GRACE stands as a fortifying practice, reminding us of our inherent power and magick.


A Journey Through the Steps of GRACE
Ground in Your Reality
The journey begins with Grounding, establishing a connection with the present and creating a stable foundation from which to grow.

This step is about being fully in the moment, recognising where you are, and preparing to move forward with clarity and purpose.

Each morning, ground yourself, focusing on the sensation of being tethered, rooted or anchored to the earth, allowing stability and calmness to enter your spirit.


Recognise Your Achievements
Recognition is about seeing and acknowledging your journey, the mountains you've climbed, and the obstacles you've overcome.

It's a celebration of your strength and progress, an essential step in building self-esteem.

Maintain a journal of achievements, however big or small, and reflect on them regularly to remind yourself of your capacity for greatness.


Appreciate Your Uniqueness
Appreciation follows recognition, diving deeper into self-love by honouring who you are and the path you've travelled.

It's about filling yourself with gratitude for your unique journey, recognising your efforts and the beauty of your spirit.

Practice daily affirmations that celebrate your strengths, and make gratitude a regular part of your routine, acknowledging both your efforts and your resilience.


Call Back Your Power
Calling back your energy involves reclaiming your power from places, people, and past experiences that have drained you.

It's a crucial step in setting boundaries and focusing your energy on what truly serves your highest good.

Visualise a protective light around you, imagining your energy being drawn back from external sources, and learn to say 'no' to preserve your well-being.


Embody Your Truth
Finally, to Embody is to live in alignment with your true essence, making choices that reflect your authentic self.

This step is about filling your life with actions, thoughts, and intentions that resonate with your deepest truths.

Align your daily decisions with your core values and dreams, ensuring that your life is a true reflection of who you are and what you desire.


Reconnecting with Your Magick
The practice of GRACE is a journey of reconnection to your essence, your magick, your dreams, and desires.

By systematically working through these steps, you clear away the energetic 'gunk' of judgments and expectations, call back your power, and live a life that is authentically yours.

This journey is about savouring your own flavour, embracing the unique magick within, and allowing it to guide you towards a life of fulfilment and purpose.


In a world that often feels disconnected and disempowering, GRACE offers a pathway back to what is real and true within us.

It's an invitation to reclaim your power, to stand in your truth, and to embrace the magick of being authentically you.

Through GRACE, we reconnect with our true essence and open ourselves to a world of limitless possibilities, where our dreams and desires are not just possible but within reach.

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Join us live each month as we gather to reset our energy and give ourselves some GRACE