Nature Walk and Scavenger Hunt: Embracing the Awakening Earth

Imbolc, a celebration of renewal and rebirth, offers the perfect opportunity to reconnect with nature.

As we transition from the depths of winter into the budding promises of spring, a nature walk and scavenger hunt can be a fun way to observe and appreciate these subtle yet significant changes.


What You'll Need

  • Comfortable Walking Shoes
  • A Camera or Smartphone
  • A Notebook and Pen
  • The Scavenger Hunt List (provided below).


Scavenger Hunt List

During your walk, it's time to observe and find signs of spring, which can include:

  • Snowdrops: One of the first flowers of the year.
  • Catkins: These soft, hanging buds often appear on hazel and willow trees.
  • Birdsong: Listen for the melodies that signal the coming of spring.
  • Budding Leaves: Keep an eye on trees and bushes for new buds.
  • Animal Activity: Watch for increased wildlife activity, like squirrels or early-returning birds.
  • Green Shoots: Look for new grass or plant shoots emerging from the earth.
  • Insects: Notice any early insects like bees or butterflies.
  • Running Water: Observe streams or rivers; they often run clearer and livelier in spring.
  • Changes in Light: Feel and observe the quality of sunlight and lengthening days.
  • Your Personal Sign of Spring: This is open for your own interpretation. What symbolises the onset of spring for you?


Activity Steps

Prepare for Your Walk
Dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.
Take your camera or smartphone, notebook, and pen.


Embark on Your Scavenger Hunt
As you walk, keep your scavenger hunt list in mind.

Observe your surroundings, using all your senses: sight, hearing, smell, and touch.


Document Your Findings
Take photos or make notes of the items you find.

If something particularly catches your attention, pause and reflect on why it resonates with you.


Connect with Nature
Take a moment to stand still, breathe deeply, and feel the energy of the earth and the signs of life around you.


Share Your Experience
After your walk, you might want to upload your pictures and notes, here on the A Pinch of Magick app.

Share any reflections or feelings that you experienced during your walk.


This activity encourages mindfulness and a deeper connection with the natural world.

It's a beautiful way to celebrate the essence of Imbolc, acknowledging the subtle yet powerful shifts in the natural world as we transition from winter to spring.