Mabon Intention Setting: Harnessing the Power of the Autumn Equinox

This week we’re preparing for the Autumn Equinox - but this can easily be transformed if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere.

And we’re starting today with setting our intentions for the season.

This simple act can turn the shifting energies of the autumn equinox into a powerful catalyst for personal growth and manifestation.

In our often chaotic and fast-paced world, we frequently overlook the natural rhythms of the seasons, missing the opportunity to align our intentions with the powerful energies of change and harvest that the Autumn Equinox brings. 

This disconnect from seasonal wisdom can leave us feeling out of sync, directionless, and unable to fully harness the transformative potential of this magickal time.

By adding a seasonal intention setting ritual into your practice, you can create a sacred space of focused manifestation and personal fulfilment. 

This practice can awaken your connection to the cycles of nature, align you with the energies of balance and abundance, and remind you of the magickal power that resides in consciously setting intentions at this pivotal point in the wheel of the year.