Find Your Happy Place: A Meditation for Joy, Wonder and Play

Embark on a magickal adventure to rekindle your sense of wonder and playfulness. 

In this guided meditation, you'll explore a vibrant, enchanted playground that represents your innate capacity for joy.

Experience the exhilaration of sliding down a colourful, spiralling slide, each turn revealing a different aspect of delight. 

Reconnect with your inner child, rediscover the awe in everyday moments, and learn to embrace life with a playful spirit.


This meditation weaves together the threads of joy we've explored throughout the week, helping you to:

  • Cultivate a deeper sense of wonder and delight
  • Embrace playfulness in both light and challenging moments
  • Find joy in the ordinary and extraordinary
  • Boost your ability to spread happiness to others
  • Strengthen your connection to your inner child

Whether you're seeking to infuse more fun into your daily life or simply need a joyful reset, this guided journey will leave you refreshed, inspired, and ready to see the world through eyes of wonder.

Prepare to slide into joy and rediscover the magickal playground that exists within and around you!