Welcome to Five Minutes of Magick
The Hidden Self: A Ritual for Shadow Work

The Hidden Self: A Ritual for Shadow Work

Today, we're venturing into the sacred depths of shadow work, embracing the hidden aspects of ourselves that long to be acknowledged and integrated into our whole being.

Ancestral Connection: Journal Prompts for Reflection

Ancestral Connection: Journal Prompts for Reflection

Today, we pause to reflect on our sacred journey that we've taken together over the last five days, exploring ancestral connections, gathering the precious threads of lineage wisdom and hereditary magick we've woven throughout the week.

The Wisdom of the Past: Stories for Samhain

The Wisdom of the Past: Stories for Samhain

Today, we're awakening the ancient practice of ancestor story sharing, weaving threads of memory and magick that stretch across the veil to connect us with those who came before.