The Creative Reflection

Written on 07/22/2024
Rebecca Anuwen

In the bustling canvas of daily life, where duties often overshadow moments of creative expression, The Creative Reflection offers a sacred interlude.

This pause is an intentional moment to step back and acknowledge the creativity that colours your existence, whether in grand projects or in small, everyday innovations.

Choosing The Creative Reflection is a practice of recognising and celebrating your inherent creativity.

It provides a space to explore how your imaginative spirit enriches not only your own life but also those around you.

Embrace this moment of artistic acknowledgment by following these steps, each designed to deepen your connection with your creative self:


Step 1: Sanctuary of Inspiration
Find a quiet, inspiring space where you can be uninterrupted.

This might be a spot surrounded by elements of your past creative projects, like a studio, an office adorned with your artworks, or any place that sparks your creative spirit.


Step 2: Settling Into Creativity
Sit in a relaxed posture where you feel both comfortable and alert.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself, allowing the external noise of the world to fade away as you tune into your inner creative pulse.


Step 3: Inventory of Creativity
Begin to reflect on the various ways creativity manifests in your life.

Recall specific projects, problem-solving moments, or instances where you thought outside the box.

Visualise each creative act as a vibrant splash of colour.


Step 4: Gratitude for Creative Moments
For each creative endeavour you remember, take a moment to feel gratitude.

Acknowledge the skills you used, the joy of the creative process, and the impact of the final creation.

Allow yourself to truly appreciate these moments and their value.


Step 5: Connecting With Emotion
Notice the feelings associated with recalling your creative works.

Embrace the sense of accomplishment, excitement, or even the serenity that comes from engaging in creative activities.

Let these positive emotions fill you, encouraging further creativity.


Step 6: Affirmation of Creativity
Craft an affirmation that celebrates your creative abilities.

Something like,

'My creativity enriches my life and brings innovation and joy to those around me.' 

Repeat this affirmation, feeling its truth resonate within you.


Step 7: Journaling Insights
If you feel inspired, note down some of the key creative instances and the emotions they evoked.

This record can become a source of inspiration when you feel stuck or uninspired.


Step 8: Closing With Inspiration
Finish your session by giving thanks for your creative abilities and the time spent in reflection.

Gently open your eyes, bringing with you a renewed appreciation and motivation to infuse creativity into your everyday life.


Through The Creative Reflection, you not only celebrate past creative achievements but also stoke the fires of future artistic endeavours.

May this sacred pause remind you of your creative potential and inspire a continued exploration of your imaginative capabilities, enriching both your world and the wider world with your unique contributions.