Creative Outlets

Written on 07/22/2024
Rebecca Anuwen

Summer can be a highly creative time. What creative projects have you started or completed?

Is there something new you want to begin before the summer ends?


This journal prompt taps into the energising and abundant nature of the season. Summer, with its extended daylight hours and often more relaxed pace, provides a fertile ground for creativity and innovation.

This prompt encourages you to harness this vibrant energy, to reflect on your creative endeavours and to plan new projects, making the most of the season's inspiring qualities.

This prompt is vital as it actively engages you in reviewing your creativity, helping to develop a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

It serves as a reminder of your capabilities and the joy that creative expression can bring.

Additionally, by contemplating what new projects you might start, it keeps the momentum of creativity flowing, ensuring that you continue to challenge yourself and grow in your artistic or creative pursuits.


Inventory of Creativity
Begin by reflecting on the creative projects you've engaged in over the summer.

List everything, no matter how small or significant, from a home DIY project or a garden overhaul to writing poetry or crafting.

Acknowledge your efforts and the results, celebrating both the process and the outcomes.


Evaluative Reflection
For each project listed, consider what you learned from the experience.

Did you discover a new skill or rekindle a passion for a particular craft?

Reflect on the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

This reflection can provide valuable insights into your creative process and growth.


Future Planning
With the end of summer approaching, think about what new projects you might want to initiate.

What has inspired you recently?

Is there a skill you wish to develop or a project you’ve been postponing?

Set tangible goals for these new ventures, including what resources you’ll need and a timeline for getting started.


Visual Inspiration
Create a vision board, either digitally or on paper, that represents your creative aspirations for the remainder of the summer.

Include images, quotes, or samples that inspire you and keep this board in a place where you will see it daily.


Commitment Actions
Write down the steps you will take to initiate any new projects.

Schedule time in your calendar for these activities to ensure you allocate sufficient time to explore and enjoy your creative pursuits.


Journal Continuation
Make it a habit to regularly update your journal with your creative progress.

Celebrate successes along the way and reassess your approach if necessary.

This ongoing documentation can be a powerful motivator and a cherished record of your creative journey.


Engaging with this journal prompt is not just about capturing the essence of summer's creativity; it's about embedding creativity into your lifestyle, recognising it as a dynamic and enriching part of your everyday experience.

By reflecting on past projects and planning new ones, you sustain the creative flow, making every summer not just a season but a significant chapter in your life’s creative story.