The Equinox Alignment

Written on 18/03/2024
Rebecca Anuwen

As the wheel of the year turns to the Spring Equinox, marking a moment of perfect balance between day and night, we are invited to embrace this equilibrium within ourselves.

The Equinox Alignment is a Sacred Pause designed to harmonise your inner being with the burgeoning energy of spring, a time of renewal, growth, and new beginnings.

This pause is an opportunity to reflect on balance and rejuvenation, to sow the seeds of intentions for the coming cycle, and to align with the vibrant life force that spring unfurls.

Embrace the promise of renewal and equilibrium by following these steps, each crafted to guide you into a deeper connection with the transformative energy of the Spring Equinox:


Step 1: Sanctuary of Balance
Find a peaceful space where you can be undisturbed and comfortable.

This might be a quiet spot in your garden, a sunny corner of your home, or any place that feels sacred and inviting.


Step 2: Centring Breath
Sit or stand comfortably, allowing your body to find a natural state of balance.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, filling yourself with the crisp, rejuvenating air of spring, and exhale slowly, releasing any remnants of stagnation or winter's heaviness.


Step 3: Intention Seed Planting
Visualise yourself holding a handful of seeds, each representing an intention or wish for the coming months.

As you contemplate these seeds, imagine planting them in fertile soil, each one a commitment to personal growth and renewal.


Step 4: Harmonising with Light and Darkness
Reflect on the equilibrium of the Equinox, where day and night are of equal length.

Contemplate the balance within your own life — between action and rest, giving and receiving, external engagement and inner reflection.

Seek harmony within these dualities.


Step 5: Affirmation of Renewal
Create or recite an affirmation that resonates with the energy of renewal and balance.

You might say, 'I am in harmony with the cycles of nature, embracing growth and balance with each breath'


Step 6: Gratitude for the Cycle
Offer gratitude to the natural world for its endless cycle of transformation, and to yourself for being an integral part of this rhythm.

Acknowledge the growth and change you have experienced and will continue to experience.


Step 7: Emergence into Light
Gently open your eyes, feeling aligned with the energy of the Spring Equinox.

Carry this sense of balance and renewal with you, letting it inspire your actions and interactions.


Through The Equinox Alignment, you create a moment of profound connection with the natural cycle, honouring the balance within and around you.

May this sacred pause mark the beginning of a vibrant, balanced, and fruitful cycle, as you move forward with clarity, purpose, and joy into the light of spring.