The Sanctuary Stretch

Written on 12/18/2023
Rebecca Anuwen

In the bustling rhythm of life, especially during the festive times of the year, the external cacophony of judgments, expectations, and societal noise can cloud our inner peace and disconnect us from our sense of self.

The Sanctuary Stretch is a Sacred Pause designed to ground and centre you, allowing you to take up your space in the world and gently 'push' away the overwhelming external influences.

This pause is a physical and mental assertion of your presence, a reminder of your right to tranquillity and self-expression, free from the burdens of others' opinions and expectations.

Embrace this empowering moment of self-affirmation by following these steps, each crafted to help you reclaim your space and find peace amid the chaos:


Step 1: Window to the World
Find a window where natural light streams in.

If it's daytime, position yourself to face the sun, feeling its warmth and energy as a symbolic connection to the world outside.


Step 2: Reach for the Sky
Stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground, shoulder-width apart.

Slowly raise your arms above your head, reaching towards the sky.

Feel the stretch along your spine, your ribs expanding, and your body awakening.


Step 3: Breathe with Movement
Inhale deeply as you stretch upwards, gathering positive energy and space.

As you exhale, slowly lower your arms, envisioning the release of external pressures, the noise of societal demands, and the weight of judgments falling away from you.


Step 4: Intention Setting
With your arms back at your sides, take a moment to set an intention for your day.

It could be a word or a short phrase that resonates with your desire for calm and peace.

Whisper it to yourself, sealing it within your heart.


Step 5: Embrace Your Space
Close your eyes briefly and visualise yourself surrounded by a gentle but impenetrable bubble.

This is your space, untouched by external chaos.

Affirm to yourself, 'I am grounded, I am centred, I am at peace.'


Step 6: Grateful Acknowledgment
Open your eyes and take a moment to feel grateful for this practice, for the ability to create a sanctuary within, regardless of the external world's hustle and bustle.


Step 7: Carry It With You
As you move away from the window, carry this sense of grounding and peace with you.

Let your intention be the guiding force in your interactions and decisions throughout the day.


Through The Sanctuary Stretch, you affirm your presence, your worth, and your right to peace and space.

May this sacred pause be a daily ritual that anchors you in self-assurance, enabling you to navigate the busiest of times with serenity and strength.