The Flames of Courage - A Beltane Ritual

A ritual to honour the spirit of Beltane, the fertility of the earth, and the fiery essence of courage and empowerment within ourselves.


  • Find a safe outdoor space where you can light a bonfire or a fire pit.
  • Gather your supplies:
  • Firewood, kindling, and fire starter
  • A long, sturdy stick or staff
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A colourful ribbon or string (preferably green, yellow, or red)
  • A small pouch or bag
  • A drum or any other instrument (optional)


Ritual Steps:

Begin by clearing and consecrating the area where you'll be conducting the ritual. You can do this by walking around the perimeter of the space, visualising a circle of protective energy or saying a prayer of protection.

Assemble your firewood and kindling in the fire pit or designated bonfire area. Light the fire and let it grow strong, symbolising the warmth and power of the sun, igniting your courage and passion.

Stand before the fire and take a moment to ground yourself. Breathe deeply, feeling the energy of the earth beneath your feet and the warmth of the fire before you.

Holding the stick or staff, speak aloud your intention for the ritual: "I invoke the spirit of Beltane, the fires of courage, and the passion within me. I celebrate the fertility of the earth and the boundless potential within."

Write down one thing you're passionate about or a goal you'd like to achieve on the piece of paper. Fold the paper and tie it securely with the ribbon or string. Place the tied paper into the small pouch or bag.

Dance around the fire, allowing the music of the drum or other instrument to guide your movements. Feel the power of the fire filling your body with courage, determination, and the will to manifest your dreams.

When you feel ready, take a deep breath and, with a burst of courage, leap over the fire whilst holding the stick or staff in one hand and the pouch containing your goal in the other. - Obviously beng very carfeul! If you're fire is still roaring, jump 'over'  the fire, but next to the fire, so that you just 'alongside' the fire

After you've successfully leaped over the fire, stand before it once more and offer a prayer of gratitude for the courage and power you've received. Hold the pouch with your goal close to your heart and say, "With the power of Beltane, the fires of courage, and the passion within me, I embrace the journey to manifest my dreams."

Allow the fire to burn down, symbolising the transformation of your fears into courage and the nurturing of your dreams. Once the fire has burned down, carefully collect some ashes and place them in the pouch along with your written goal. Keep this pouch with you as a reminder of your Beltane ritual and the courage that now resides within you.

Close the ritual by thanking the spirits of Beltane, the fire, and the earth for their presence and assistance. Release the circle of protection and clear the space.


Remember, the magick of Beltane lies in the courage and determination it ignites within you.

Embrace the passion and energy of this sacred time and watch as your dreams and desires take root and flourish.