Week 4: Reaping Inner Riches

The whisper of September's end is almost tangible, with golden hues mellowing into deeper shades and the air turning crisp, heralding the onset of autumn's fullest embrace.

As nature prepares for its seasonal slumber, it also engages in a ritual as old as time itself – the harvest.

This age-old tradition, punctuating the end of summer, not only celebrates the tangible yield of fields but symbolises a deeper, internal bounty.

Drawing inspiration from this, in our final week of September, we embark upon our own 'Intentional Harvest'.


Nature’s Annual Audit
Fields brimming with golden grains, orchards heavy with the weight of ripened fruits; this is nature’s reward for months of nurturing, growth, and patience. But beyond the physical abundance, the harvest also represents a time for reflection, gratitude, and foresight.


Our Personal Yield
Just as the earth has been patient, allowing seeds to grow, flourish, and bear fruit, we too have sowed our intentions throughout the year.

Now, it’s time to appreciate our personal growth, no matter how big or small.

Every day this week, carve out a quiet moment to:

  • Celebrate Achievements
    Whether it's a fully realised dream, a step closer to a goal or intention, or personal growth in any form, revel in your progress.
  • Acknowledge Challenges
    Not all seeds bear fruit, and not all journeys are smooth.
    Recognising challenges is as crucial as celebrating wins, as they pave the way for future growth.
  • Plan Forward
    What have you learned from this year's cycle? As the fields prepare for the next sowing season, so should we.
    Start envisioning the next phase of your journey, leveraging the insights gained from this year.


Setting the Stage for Future Growth
Just as the harvest is both an end and a beginning – concluding one cycle and commencing the preparations for the next – our 'Intentional Harvest' week serves a dual purpose.

It's an opportunity to feel gratitude for our present, and simultaneously, it's a springboard propelling us towards our future aspirations.


As September folds into October, may your heart be full with the fruits of your labour and intentions, and may you carry forward the lessons, the joys, and the aspirations into the next season of your life.