Seeds of Intent

As we approach the Spring Equinox, a time of perfect balance between day and night, we're reminded of the endless cycle of rebirth and renewal that governs our world.

This pivotal moment in the wheel of the year offers a unique opportunity to plant new intentions, setting the stage for personal growth and transformation.

Seeds of Intent invites us to engage in a ritual that connects us with the potent energy of the coming season.


Planting New Intentions
The act of planting seeds is deeply symbolic.

Just as a seed requires time, care, and the right conditions to germinate and grow, so do our intentions need nurturing to come to fruition.

Today, we embark on a ritual that blends the physical with the metaphorical, inviting nature's magick into our lives to support our dreams and aspirations.


The Ritual
Begin by selecting a seed that resonates with your intentions for the season.

It could be a flower that represents beauty and creativity, a herb known for healing and purification, or a vegetable symbolising sustenance and abundance.

Choose a pot or a special place in your garden for this sacred act.

Before you plant the seed, take a moment to write down your intentions for the coming season on a piece of biodegradable paper.

Be as specific as you can, focusing on what you wish to bring into your life or cultivate within yourself. This could range from personal growth, health, and happiness to success in your career or relationships.

As you fold the paper and place it in the earth, imagine your intentions taking root, drawing energy from the soil, water, and sunlight.

Cover it with soil, then plant your chosen seed on top of this symbolic foundation.

As you water your newly planted seed, envision your intentions being nourished and beginning to grow.


As you tend to your seed in the coming days, remember that your own intentions require the same attention and care.

Each watering, each moment spent tending to your plant, is a reminder of your commitment to your goals and the nurturing they need to blossom.

As the Spring Equinox heralds a time of balance and new beginnings, let the ritual of planting seeds inspire you to sow your desires with confidence and hope.

May your seeds of intent grow into tangible manifestations of your dreams and aspirations, guided by the magick and energy of this vibrant season.