Cord Cutting: Liberating Rituals to Sever Negative Energetic Ties

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In the intricate tapestry of life, our connections with people and situations weave complex patterns that shape our experiences and emotions.

While many of these connections are positive and uplifting, others can become burdensome, developing negativity or draining our energy.

Cord cutting is a powerful magickal practice designed to sever these negative energetic ties, allowing for emotional healing and spiritual renewal.


Understanding Cord Cutting
Cord cutting involves the symbolic or ritualistic releasing of negative energetic connections between individuals or between a person and a situation.

These connections, often visualised as cords, can subtly influence feelings, behaviours, and energy levels, impacting overall well-being.

The practice of cord cutting provides a means to reclaim your power, establish boundaries, bring closure and promote a healthier state of mind.


Recognising the Need for a Cord Cutting Ritual
Decidingwhen to perform a cord cutting ritual is a deeply personal decision and an essential step in the process.

Here are some indicators that suggest it might be time to consider a cord cutting ritual:

Persistent Negative Emotions
If you find yourself constantly haunted by feelings of anger, sadness, resentment, or guilt when thinking about a person or past situation, it may be a sign that an energetic bond is still influencing you.
Persistent negative emotions are often a signal that these ties are holding you back and need to be addressed.


Recurring Thoughts or Dreams
Frequent thoughts about a particular person or recurrent dreams featuring them can indicate that your subconscious is trying to process unresolved issues.
If these thoughts or dreams bring discomfort or disrupt your peace of mind, it could be beneficial to consider a cord cutting ritual.


Feeling Drained or Stuck
Feeling energetically drained or emotionally depleted after interactions with someone—even if those interactions are only in your thoughts—suggests that your energy is still being negatively affected by this connection.
Similarly, if you feel stuck or unable to move forward in certain areas of your life, it could be due to unresolved ties.


Difficulty Moving On
Struggling to move on from a relationship, whether it be romantic, familial, or platonic, is a common indicator.
If you find it challenging to make new connections or feel tied down by the past, a cord cutting could help release those bonds.

Intuitive Feelings
Sometimes, the need for a cord cutting ritual is simply a matter of intuition.
You might feel a deep, inner knowing that something needs to be released.
Trusting your intuition and acknowledging these feelings can guide you towards the necessary steps of performing a ritual.


Why Complete a Cord Cutting?
The need for cord cutting ritual comes from the recognition that not all relationships or interactions are beneficial.

Negative ties can lead to repeated patterns of pain, resentment, or unfulfilled needs.

Here are some reasons why completing a cord cutting can be essential:

Emotional Clarity
Removing the influence of past connections can clarify your emotions, helping you to respond to life's challenges with a fresh perspective.

Personal Power
Cord cutting helps reclaim energy that was tied up in unhealthy attachments, enhancing feelings of independence and self-authority.

It allows for deeper healing by closing wounds that might have remained open due to ongoing negative interactions, disappointment or confusion.

By releasing the past, cord cutting makes room for new experiences and relationships that better serve your current needs and life path.


How to Perform a Cord Cutting Ritual
Cord cutting rituals can vary widely, but they typically involve several key elements focused on intention, visualisation, and the symbolic act of cutting.

Here’s a basic guide to performing a cord cutting ritual:

Step 1: Preparation
Prepare your space by ensuring it is cleansed and quiet.
You may want to create a sacred space by lighting candles, burning incense, or laying out protective symbols.

Gather your tools, which may include:

  • A pair of scissors, a knife, or a symbolic object to represent the act of cutting.
  • Two candles, representing yourself and the other person or situation.
  • A cord or string to symbolise the energetic tie.


Step 2: Grounding and Centring
Begin by grounding yourself.
This might involve deep breathing, meditating, or visualising roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
Centring your energy will help you approach the ritual with calm and focused intention.


Step 3: Visualisation
Visualise the cord that connects you to the person or situation from which you wish to disconnect.
See it clearly in your mind’s eye, noticing its colour, texture, and any emotions associated with it.
Feel where it attaches to your body.

Step 4: Setting Intentions
Clearly state your intention to cut this cord.
You might say something like, 'I release this cord with [name/event/situation] to reclaim my energy and heal my spirit. This tie no longer serves me.'


Step 5: The Cutting
Take your symbolic cutting tool and physically cut the cord or string while visualising the energetic cord being severed.
As you cut, feel the release of energy and the return of power to your being.


Step 6: Closure
Once the cord is cut, visualise the ends of the severed cord sealing with light, preventing them from reattaching and bringing closure.
State a closing affirmation such as, 'I am free from this tie. I move forward with clarity and peace.'


Step 7: Aftercare
After the ritual, take care of yourself.
You might feel a rush of emotions or a sense of relief.
Allow yourself to process these feelings.
Engaging in a self-care activity can help stabilise your energy.


Cord cutting is a profound ritual that can facilitate significant emotional and energetic shifts.

Whether you're releasing an old friend, a former lover, or a burdensome situation, the act of cutting cords is a step towards greater personal freedom and emotional health.

As with all magickal practices, perform cord cutting with respect and reverence, understanding that it is a tool for deep transformation and renewal.